Published: September 09, 2022 on our newsletter Security Fraud News & Alerts Newsletter.

It’s not the first time your food delivery included tipping off hackers by sharing information with them. DoorDash again has announced that an unauthorized party gained access to information within their network. Like the data breach that happened back in 2019, DoorDash blames a third party for the intrusion, but this time, the company isn’t delivering many further details.
If you use DoorDash, it’s a good idea to change your password. Be sure to make those passwords at least 8 characters, include upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. It should also be used only for your DoorDash account. This is out of an abundance of caution, because there is no reason for the company to think these credentials were accessed. However, with the limited information we are being provided, it certainly can’t hurt.

DoorDash isn’t disclosing much information about this one. They aren’t saying when the breach occurred, how many were affected, or much else. They did say employee credentials were used to access internal systems. Even so, whenever a data breach occurs, it’s good practice to change your password and keep an eye on any suspicious payment card charges. If you see something odd, contact the card issuer and get it resolved sooner than later.
Remember to check your payment card and other financial account statements regularly. It’s easy to do with all the online access these days, so take advantage of that and check more often than when you get your monthly statement. By staying on top of potential fraud, everyone saves money.
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